Annotation Types Summary |
MOChoiceDiscriminator |
Defines a specific mapping where different combinations of the bean properties are mapped based on a different
property value. |
MOCollectionCustomSort |
Defines the ordering of a collection of Beans. |
MOCollectionSort |
Defines the ordering of a collection of Beans. |
MOConstructionDescriptor |
Defines the methods to construct a bean when reading an XML document. |
MOConstructorArg |
Defines a contructor parameter mapping, or a parameter for a factory method. |
MODelegateProperty |
Defines a Bean property that is flattened in the XML representation. |
MOEnumSet |
Defines an alternate mapping of Set of Enum using an boolean XML attribute for each
enumeration option. |
MOEnumXmlName |
Defines the XML name used for an enumeration constant. |
MOInitializerProperty |
Defines property initialization of a constructed instance, where the source of the property value is a property
of the parent instance. |
MOPersistentBean |
Defines a mapping of a Java Bean to a top level XML element. |
MOPersistentDependentBean |
Defines a mapping of a Java Bean to an XML element. |
MOPolymorphicAtomProperty |
Defines an atomic property that is polimorphic - it can take more then one Java type. |
MOPolymorphicAtomType |
Defines one option for a polymorphic atomic property. |
MOProperty |
Defines a mapping of a Java Property to XML. |
MOPropertyChoice |
Defines that the property is part of a choice XML construct. |
MOPropertyGroup |
Defines that a property be mapped as a child of a "group" element or elements in the XML representation. |
MOPropertyGroupBy |
Defines a group by construct. |
MORegisterPropertyEditor |
Registers a property editor for a given type. |
MORegisterPropertyEditors |
Registers multiple property editors for multiple types. |
MOSeeAlso |
Defines a list of additional classes to map when the annotated class is mapped. |
MOWebParam |
Defines mapping options for a web-service method parameter or return value. |